Every human being on mother earth faces a number of emotions, in the process of putting up with the world. Emotions like happiness, sadness, rage, love, hatred, and many more which range from mild to extreme depending on a person’s situation. One such emotion is anger, sounds like a tiny little word but can destroy a person’s life to bits and pieces. I dag spiller de fleste spilleautomater på nett, selv om det hele begynte med det som kaltes fruktmaskiner, fordi det ble brukt frukt som symboler for å markere gevinst https://www.casinonorske.com/spilleautomater-på-nett.
Anger can be caused due to various reasons, like parent- child aggression, bad grades in school, insults, insecurities, maltreatment, jealousy, social injustice, blocked desirable goals etc. People face anger in many situations in day to day life and the way we express our anger plays a vital role in a person’s life. When a person is angry he/she doesn’t think straight, they allow negative thoughts to rule over their mind.
Professor Scott Schieman from the Sociology Department at the University of Toronto has published new findings about the experience of anger. He stated that, Younger people experience more frequent anger than older adults. This is mainly due to the fact that younger people are more likely to feel time pressures, economic hardship, and interpersonal conflict in the workplace (three core stressors that elevate anger levels. Feeling rushed for time is the strongest predictor of anger, especially the “low-grade” forms like feeling annoyed. Having children in the household is associated with angry feelings and behaviour (i.e., yelling) and these patterns are stronger among women compared to men. Compared to people with fewer years of education, the well-educated are less likely to experience anger, and when they do, they are more likely to act proactively (e.g., trying to change the situation or talking it over).Individuals who experience more financial strain tend to report higher levels of anger. This relationship is much stronger among women and younger adults. (University of Toronto, 2009)
Here are some ways that you can control anger, first and the most important, do not jump to conclusions with the assumptions you hold, try and talk to the person and make things easier for yourself as well as the other person. Anger related issues can be reduced with better communication. Secondly use relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and relaxing imagery. Thirdly, cognitive restructuring- that is changing the way you think. Angry people tend to curse, swear, or speak in highly colorful terms that reflect their inner thoughts. Try replacing these thoughts with more rational ones. (American Psychological Association, 2016)
One must realize that anger is a normal emotion faced by every human being and it won’t create much of a problem until and unless we let it create one. Don’t let anger rule over your mind and body and take away your peaceful life. Always remember that anger is within you and only you can control it so, control your anger before it starts controlling you.
[Contributed by Jumana Khan, undergraduate student of psychology, during her internship.]