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Read about what the experts have to say about mental health.

Extra – Marital Affairs: A series of articles about Understanding & Dealing with Marital Infidelity

Extra – Marital Affairs: A series of articles about Understanding & Dealing with Marital Infidelity

Hey everyone! Our centre head & Psychologist, Shobhika Jaju who is also a relationship counsellor, has been working on a series of articles for Incredible Goa magazine on the topic of “Extra-Marital Affairs”. The articles present an in-depth picture of Marital Infidelity and have tried to cover all aspects involved therein. Please click on the […]

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Keep Your Children Healthy In the Digital Age

Keep Your Children Healthy In the Digital Age

Mobile devices will unarguably change or rather has already changed social, emotional, physical, and future work lives for better or worse. While this is and increasing concern for parents, children growing up in today’s Digital Age cannot imagine a world without those devices. Most researchers agree there are benefits and pitfalls of smartphone usage. While […]

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Positive Parenting: No More Time Outs and Grounding

Parents often find themselves baffled when it comes to the concept of positive parenting. Even though parents may want to do away with grounding and time outs, finding appropriate alternatives is often difficult and leads to the question of ‘what can we do?’ Rather than doing something, what can actually matter is ‘being’. Being calm, […]

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