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The Mind Space

Insights on Mental Health & Wellness

Screen time and how it affects your child’s development

Over the years we have seen a lot of development with regard to technology and the ways in which it has affected us all. While childhood has often been a time in which we found ourselves playing outdoor games, skinning knees, exploring nature; there has been a drastic change in the way in which children […]

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Self-Love: Turn that frown upside down

Self-love is essential to living well. It affects your life and the decisions you make. What is self-love? Is it something you can buy in a beauty makeover or a new set of clothing? Can you get more of it by reading something inspirational? Or, can a new relationship make you love yourself more? The […]

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Sleep on It

Sleep on It

I have a lot of friends whose favorite thing in the entire day after food is sleeping. If I’m being honest it’s mine too. A good night snooze helps me get through the day smoothly and I can give my best. We all know that sleep is very beneficial but are we underestimating the power […]

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The importance of failure in the growing years.

Much is being written and said about failure and how crucial it is. And indeed, failure needs to be as treasured as success. As a psychologist, I often see instances where parents tend to overlook their ward’s success and instead complain about areas where the performance is not as expected. This pattern of interaction needs […]

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